sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011

The joys of losing weight.Zach Condon

Niño prodigio que componía estas cosas desde los quince años de edad. Se los cuelgo aquí para que comparen las versiones, los antes y los después.

Una bonita Payne's Bay:

O antes:

Y aquí lo que el joven dice:
This album has never been released, is not available for sale, and has never been seen or heard by anyone other than a handful of people who have personally received a copy of this record. It pre-dates all of his work with Beirut and does not bear any influence of the Balkan/Eastern Gypsy sound that he has become reknowned and critically acclaimed for; however, it’s a highly precocious album that’s steeped in amazing melodies draped against a backdrop of synthesized electronica: imagine an entire electronic/experimental album in the style of Scenic World with Zach’s distinctive vocals and the occasional appearance of his famous brass instrumentation.

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